The last few days was mostly testing out stuff and how to do it in the best way. 
This morning I made a prototype that looks like this:

The Server:
Creates an Dictionary at the start of the game with an ChunkPos, and an ChunkPrefab int wich it randomly generates from an list.

The Client:

When an client joins it checks the dictionary for his position and gets the chunk from that position. then it instantiates it on the client. 

So is al the logic of the chunks handled at the server and all the creation(Visualizing) done on the client. This gives the opportunities to give clients the right to set an render distance and that kind of stuff. Also the server won't get overloaded by creating dozens of gameobjects for each player and doesnt have to handle the removing logic if an player gets out of the renderdistance.

As you can see in the image: The window left above is the server it instantiates nothing in terms of chunks. And in the other windows it creates all the same visuals but only creates them on the client. 

I'm very happy with the result and lets see where this goes.

Next object is to create trees.
Not totally figured out how to do this but I think they need to be generated on the server.

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